Monday 15 August 2016

7 Steps to Improve IELTS Exam Writing

Step One: Identify the Different Tasks
The Different Types of Task One in the IELTS Writing Exam
Task one of the IELTS writing exam can be separated into two key types. Static tasks, which are tasks that have only one time period; and change over time tasks, which have two or more different time periods. Then, task one of the IELTS writing exam includes different types of charts, which should all be looked at to be well prepared. The most common ones are: tables, pie charts, bar charts, line graphs, process diagrams, and maps. Finally, with task one of the IELTS writing exam, you need to use different types of language depending on whether the task consists of numbers, percentages, or steps in a process. Therefore, there are three key dimensions of task one of the IELTS writing exam:
1. static or change over time
2. type of chart
3. numbers or percentages
Identify the Different Types of Task TWO in the IELTS Writing Exam
For task two of the IELTS writing exam the two key elements are the TOPIC and the TASK. In theory, the topic could be almost anything. Although many topics are on the following subjects: education, crime, society, media, transportation, environment, and technology. In addition, many of the past topics seem to be recycled, so if we look at many of the past topics that have come up in the exam, we have a reasonable chance that we will have thought about that particular topic.
Next comes the TASK. I have identified that the task is almost always one of the following three tasks: an argumentative essay, a both sides and opinion essay, or a two question essay. I have talked about these three essays at length on my website. I have observed that about 30% of candidates on any given exam day seem to fail to either understand the topic or identify the task. In this case many people are failing, not because of their English ability, but because of their poor IELTS ability, or ability to know how to respond to questions in the exam. Note that not only your task score will be lower if you don’t respond closely to the task, it tends to affect everything. For instance, you might use a lot of academic vocabulary, but if it is off-topic you won’t get the full value for it.
Step Two: Read Lots of Samples for Each of the Different Tasks
Reading samples of different IELTS tasks can help you appreciate the differences between each type of task as well as help you learn the language and structure that is required for each particular task. Not every sample will be an accurate response to the task, even if it is written by a native English user; so a little caution is needed. The key point is to read lots of different samples and learn from them. To read samples go to my website and click on the links under Task 1: academic report writing and Task 2: essay writing.
If you would like to practice your essay planning please join my blog or Facebook page, you can see the addresses for these in my author’s PROFILE.
Step Three: Learn How to Structure your Report or Essay for Each of the Different Tasks
Structuring your tasks well is important to score well on one of the four key grading criteria Coherence and Cohesion. In addition, it also helps you score well on the other three grading criteria. Your Task Response score is enhanced because it is easier for the examiner to assess whether you have responded to the task and topic if you have structured your ideas logically. In addition, errors with vocabulary and grammar may be less serious if the examiner already knows your key point and therefore can guess what you mean, despite their being an error with language. In other words errors are more serious when the examiner is lost and has no understanding of what you are saying.
You can view the structure of the three main types of task two essays on my website.
Step Four: Practice Writing Each of the Different Tasks
In order to fully appreciate the different types of tasks in the IELTS writing exam you should practice writing as many different types as you can. This will help you remember the structure and language that you need to complete these tasks, help you improve your writing in general, and also alert you to any areas of uncertainty for completing the task. To illustrate this last point, imagine you are writing an argumentative essay and then you realize you don’t know how to write the last paragraph. In this case you could read same samples or models and see how other authors completed these essays. In this case we should summarise our main arguments and then give our final opinion. We should also send a signal to the examiner that we are summarising our main arguments by starting the paragraph with words such as “In summary” or “In conclusion.”

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Writing a Custom Essay

Custom essay writing is a demanding exercise that calls for writers to be in appropriate mindsets in the pre-writing and writing processes of the exercise. Writers that seek to achieve the best of results in essay tasks must summon their perceptual, research and writing faculties in well balanced manner that will incontrovertibly demonstrate the maturity and the coming of age of their research, writing and critical capabilities. Custom writing demands that the writer be disciplined if he or she has to handle the multi-tasking approaches that characterize the feasible custom essay drafting and compiling strategies.
Before delving into the nitty-gritties of gathering and putting though formulated and gathered ideas on the essay topic, writers must be sure that they have clearly understood the topic and have sufficiently construed the denotations and connotations of the key terms used in the essay topic of thesis statement. This enables writers to locate essay subject into its appropriate conceptual and philosophical framework. Many writers especially inexperienced students usually falter in the writing of essays due to an abysmal lack of understanding of the defined requirements of the essay task outlined in the thesis statement. Critical terms to watch out for include the imperatives like ‘analyse’, 'critique’, 'describe’, 'discuss’, 'explore’, etc.
Writers must understand the different requirements of custom essay writing tasks implied by these thesis statement or essay topic imperatives. An essay that analyses is unmistakably different from the one that describes. The former requires a critical presentation of concurrent and divergent perspectives whilst the later requires the outlining and illustrating of the dynamics and dimensions of an issue or any object in focus without necessarily critiquing any aspects.
Failure to correctly interpret the essay task imperatives often results in undesirables like failure or failure to obtain one’s set satisfactory goals and standards and the impact of failure may deteriorate into feelings of dissatisfaction and profound disdain of one’s self.
When writers get to understand the actual requirements of the custom essay task, they are empowered to conduct relevant and adequate researches in order to gather all relevant and related facts and opinions that will enable them to present balanced and professionally articulated arguments and standpoints in the custom essay Writing also exerts significant demands on the exploit of a writer’s polished and prolific writing acumen. The manipulation of language in inventive, incisive and non-overbearing parlance comes as the crux of the actual custom essay writing exercise. Writers who fail to pay adequate attention to the aspects of presentation run the risk of letting their research and knowledge substance waste away in the knitting of unprofessional and mediocre write ups. This again must be expected to precipitate failure.

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Best IELTS Language for Academic Writing Task 1

In this article I’d like to look at some of the best IELTS language for Academic Writing Task 1.
First of all, have a quick look at ‘Data to analyse in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1’ on my site to get an idea of the different types of graphical data you might have to analyse.
OK, did you check them out? Good, now we can jump right in to looking at some useful language.
Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 is basically asking us to describe trends, so first of all, I’d like to look at some of the most common language used to describe trends.
Nouns / Verbs
a rise / to rise
an increase / to increase / to go up
a climb / to climb
a jump / to jump
Nouns / Verbs
a fall / to fall
a drop / to drop
a decline / to decline
a decrease / to decrease
to level off at…
to remain stable at…
to remain steady at…
to fluctuate
to reach a peak
to hit a trough
As well as having language to describe the trend, we also need to be able to describe the degree of difference.
  • Large difference
X increased rapidly / sharply / dramatically / significantly (adverbs to go with verbs).
There was a rapid / sharp / dramatic / significant increase (adjectives to go with nouns).
X decreased suddenly / abruptly / steeply (adverbs to go with verbs).
There was a sudden / abrupt / steep decrease (adjectives to go with nouns).
  • Small difference
X increased steadily / moderately / slightly / gradually / slowly (adverbs to go with verbs).
There was a steady / moderate / slight / small increase (adjectives to go with nouns).
X decreased steadily / moderately / slightly / gradually / slowly (adverbs to go with verbs).
There was a steady / moderate / slight / gradual / small decrease (adjectives to go with nouns).
One of the biggest problems students tell me they have when answering Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 is actually putting all this language together to make a coherent response to the question.
IELTS Writing responses require a systematic approach and I usually give my students the following two example tables so they can organise their answers well and achieve the best IELTS score possible.
Time period / Subject of the sentence / Verb to describe change / Adverb to describe how much change
From January to February, sales rose dramatically.
From February to April, sales fell slightly.
From April to June, sales increased moderately.
Time period /'there’ + verb 'to be’ in appropriate tense to introduce the subject /
Adjective to describe the amount of change / Noun to describe change
From January to February, there was a dramatic rise in sales.
From February to April, there was a slight fall in sales.
From April to June, there was a moderate increase in sales.
Now let’s look at the individual columns in greater detail so that we can get more variety of language in our answer. I have seen many students simply write 'a catalogue of details’ (and then it went up, then it went down, then it increased again etc) when they answer an IELTS Writing Task 1; a variety of expressions is necessary to make your writing more interesting and get a higher band score.

How to Begin Writing an Essay - The Power of 3 For an Easy Takeoff

So, you’ve finally sat down to write your essay that is probably due very soon. You’re staring at the blank screen thinking to yourself: “Why do I have to do this?!” You’re probably having a bunch of other thoughts that you’re welcome to share with me and my readers. Let’s face it: you have the Acquired White Page Fear Syndrome.
I hear you because I’ve been there. I’ve found out for myself that the hardest part of writing an essay is writing that first sentence. So, what is the cure?
The Power of Three:
Write your essay in 3 steps
  1. Write your Thesis Statement
  2. Write your Body
  3. Do the Power Proofread
To Write your Thesis Statement:
  1. Choose your Subject
  2. Choose the Verb
  3. Come up with Three Supporting Points (Yes, the Power of Three again)
1. Your subject is essentially what your essay is about.
Here’s an example of a Thesis Statement:
Video gaming benefits the players’ health.
What is the Subject of this sentence? In other words, what is this sentence about? It’s about Video Gaming. Note that it’s not just about video games or the players. It’s about the act of playing video games specifically.
2. The Verb simply describes What the Subject Is or Does.
In this example, the Subject is Video Gaming. So, what does it do, according to the thesis statement? It benefits the players’ health. So, the verb is ‘benefits.’
Now that you have the Subject and the Verb (and, in this case, the Object as well, which is 'the players’ health), your Thesis is done. But a Thesis is only the main part of the Thesis Statement. In order to complete the Thesis Statement, you need to do Step 3:
3. Come up with Three Supporting Points (Yes, the Power of Three again).
So, instead of being stuck thinking of what to write next, here is a great way to make your essay creativity explode:
Come up with 3 Supporting Points to support your Thesis. What can they be? The easiest thing to do is to just think of your thesis as an answer to a question. So, if the aforementioned thesis is the answer, then what would be the question?
How does video gaming benefit the players’ health?
In which ways does video gaming benefit the players’ health?
And since you are using the Power of Three, here’s your answer:
Video gaming benefits the players’ health in three ways.
Okay. Do you see where this is going? Now you have a nice little structure forming. And all you have to do is to come up with three ways that video gaming can benefit the players’ health. Here are just some of the ideas:
Video Gaming can benefit health in the following ways:

5 Reasons Why Traveling Alone Is The Best Way

Getting cold feet just imagine of traveling alone and expecting squeezing that plan right in the bud? Think again. We’re stressed all the benefits of traveling alone and why you need to take that trip. Most of us are travel-junkies at heart, we raise up images of far off places and breathtaking escapes. We moan through images of foreign cities and long to be there. We think ‘let’s go on an adventure and then silently smother that voice down just as soon as possible it spears its ugly head. Because, alone.
This is not easy; we really do get it. Especially if you’re not used to traveling all by yourself. So what we’re asking you to do is start by taking baby steps. Go on a vacation trip alone. See how that feels. Then maybe, take off for a week all by yourself. You’ll discover that once you’re over your initial anxieties, it isn’t as wicked as it seems. In fact, you may even like it. So why should we not be going our travel, because there’s no one on the skyline to go with? Here’s why.
You are superior
Oh, yes. So you wake up on the first morning of a vacation trip, right, and you don’t really want to be swish out the door and into a tourist bus packed with people who all want to go see the superb something or the other… guess what? You don’t have to! Why? That’s right. You’re the boss and superior. You choose what you want to do, you agree what you want to see, you choose when to go where, and you also decide what you want to ignore. it’s all depend upon your discretion.
Do what do you want
Keep in mind that trip you took way back with all those friends, and all that happened on the trip was a lot of inquiring around 'what do you want to do?’, 'I don’t know, what do you want to do?’. So much valuable time was spent in this back and forth exchange that you ended up missing out on different places which you would have liked to see. Or how about different places that you had to give a miss because someone else had surrounded with some others that they just had to see? You see where we’re going with this? You get to plan faithfully what you want to see and when you want to see it. Getting the most of a tour, now who would not want that?
Getting all answerable
Whether you realized it, and whether you wanted it or not, the moment you chose to take that trip alone, you automatically became answerable. Yup. You know that you’re going to have to take care of yourself. You know there’s going to be no one to run to for every single thing. And meanwhile you’re going to do everything for yourself, and you might as well do a great job of it. More, you’re going to be complete with an overflow of experience. How about that?
You can meet new people
You can not only meet new people, but also experiencing new things. So just suppose you’ve taken a trip with friends and family. You’re perhaps not going to end up meeting anyone new on that trip. I mean, why would you when you have all the people you need, right there with you? you’ll find yourself with completely new people, sitting by someone on the bus, or sharing a table at a cafe. And just like that, you’ll get an insight into their lives and their stories. What a whole lot of new perceptions to take back.
And learning to reflect
When you’re alone and you have all the time in the world, that you can listen to what you’re trying to tell yourself. There are no interferences, there are no whirring noises vying for your attention. This is when life’s answers come to you. You get simplicity about what you want to do, what inspirations you, what you wish in life. All you have to do is listen. How does it happen when you’re alone or not with someone else, you ask? It just does.
Let take a home awesome memories
Finally, my friend, why you must travel alone, for the awesome memories. The things you take back when you travel with the company or the things you take back when you travel alone are so changed. The experiences and the thoughts in your head and the things you’re thinking about anything takes on a whole various meaning. How about the time you almost didn’t go sky diving and the instructor urged you on? And how about when the alone selfie on the highest peak was adorned by that mountain goat? What else do we have?
So you understand, there are a hundred reasons you should travel alone and a limitless reason more. So all, we’re saying is, give in to that voice. Go take that adventure you’ve always wanted to. Just go.

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Academia-Research: One of the Best Freelance Writing Sites

This post is an introduction to freelance writing. Do you love to write and make money from it? You can actually look for trusted freelance sites that will pay you for your writing skills.
You write quality essays or articles, they will pay you for that in a justifiable rate! This post is actually my first review at the first freelance site I joined way back 2007! Before I thought they were just joking, but writing online for customers is compensating!
If you want to start earning money through writing American Academic essays then you are ready to register as a writer at!
I have spent some of my precious time looking for legit freelance writing sites, but I have not tried them as much as I’ve tried the loyalty of Academia to their writers! If you joined there, you are given full support!
Okay, let me define to you in my own words, base on my writing experiences there!
What is Academia-Research?
It’s a trusted freelance writing sites for those who aspires to become a professional writer, earn from their skills and manage their own time for completing customer orders!
If you want to earn decent money, apply now to become one of the writers at Academia! Prove that you are worthy to accept customer orders because they keep up high quality outputs! So, only deserving writers will be luckily granted to write for Academia.
What is the test you going to take to become a writer?
They have an initial registration for you to complete… so prepare yourself! And do not forget to update your CV! It’s needed… after few or 3 days, they will email you for a test essay! You are given time frame to complete it…
The final decision is base on your written essay! It must be unique, of quality, original and precise! Remember, they are the one that will give you the topic! Always support your idea with trusted references and resources… it can be taken from printed materials or trusted web resources.
How much they will pay you?
It’s of different rate per page! Sometimes there is a 2-page essay for $4 each page. Last day I have completed an order for $7, and it’s a single page essay! If you will become a premium writer, you will receive more privileges; you don’t have to bid for orders as what general writers do before they can start writing any. Anyway, going premium is a long way to go. The secret is to write quality essays to satisfy your customers, and complete that on time! And always communicate your customers as well as the admin at the message board - you will soon know that!
Is it hard to work for Academia?
Yes, it is. Getting money as a professional writer is not easy. Both online and offline job are challenging, the only difference is you are free! Academia admin is not your boss - you are the boss of yourself, you set your working schedule, etc.
Anyway, you are not writing simple article here, you are far serious than that! You need to follow the standard format and referencing for academic essays, the American one! Familiarize and carefully study APA and MLA style of writing.

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Caught up with loads of work and have no time to write your paper? Most online writers are committed to help you with your college and university essays, term papers, thesis, dissertations, and presentations so you can continue on your path of academic success and pursue the career of your choice.
Their expert Master and PhD writers will write a professional custom paper that is specific to your professors’ guidelines, so you score higher.
Getting ahead is every students ambition, but most are not skilled at writing and do not have the time for research study. So, when you are caught up with deadlines and don’t know what to do, just give us them a call… their courteous service ensures confidentiality.
Most online writing services offer custom essays, term papers, thesis, dissertations, research papers and presentations for all subjects of study in the Arts, Science and Business faculty at the Under Graduate, Graduate and Post Graduate level.
Writing a Dissertation will help you succeed
When it is time to get your Doctoral degree, a properly carved dissertation will help you carry on with your academic success. Most students cannot handle the pressure of writing a custom dissertation and may make the mistake of attempting to write one without the writing skills required. Before you make such a mistake let an expert handle all your dissertation writing professionally.
Writing an original dissertation requires significant research and analysis. Custom dissertation writers go through a lot of scholars’ work and databases to compile the basic gist of your dissertation. A successful custom dissertation is supposed to be the most extensive and intensive scholarly work, ever performed in a field of study. Online writers ensure your custom dissertation follows submission and format requirements.
They will give you that cutting edge on research, in your respective field of research study. They will address the significant question and demonstrate proper interpretation of findings. Your custom dissertation conclusion will be the unrelenting evaluation of source materials.
A good writer will be with you on writing a dissertation statement, writing a research proposal and preparing the research before it is sent out to you. Just make sure the company you choose is located and registered locally. Most offer a 100% money back guarantee and do your revisions free of cost. This way you can be sure of getting the quality of writing you want. A local company with native writers will not outsource your work out to another country where writers are not familiar with the writing leave alone the academic standards of your college or university.
A writing expert usually begins with a brainstorming session to clarify and refine your thoughts. At this stage the general theme is decided. All they need is either a rough draft, or points of all the essays to start the custom essay writing process.
Using inputs from the brainstorming session they will write the first draft of all your paper. They can handle the challenges of the logic, content, perspectives and structure of the custom essays. While writing your paper, they will take care of logical inconsistencies and presentation issues such as language and structure. They will fine-tune, polish and edit the content to develop the final version.

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